CMNS 3550 ePortfolio Part 2: Communications Plan

Welcome to my ePortfolio where you can find my Media Kit & Communications Plan for the film Little Burgundy (NFB,1968)

Welcome to the home page for your Communications Plan for CMNS 3550. In this part of the assignment, you will create a brief communications plan for a blog campaign. A communications plan identifies a process for drawing attention to your organization through a scheduled and detailed implementation plan based on research into your audience and stakeholders. In this case, your communications plan should be focused on developing a fictional blog campaign for an initiative depicted in Little Burgundy (1968).

This is part 2 of a 2-part assignment that includes the media kit.


This blog campaign will direct its focus to attracting residents of the St. Martin’s block who were affected by the urban renewal plan by, showing them why attending the Citizen’s Committee meetings is important, and how it can benefit them. Residents will be able to relate to the authors of the blog post,who are also fellow residents of St. Martins.


Although the concept of blog posts is something relatively new to these residents of Little Burgundy, I think it is the beginning of shared information for this community. The 14,000 residents of Little Burgundy range from all different ages and walks of life. Meaning that some residents may have more of a grasp on the idea of blogs than others. This is beneficial though because those who are already in touch with the concepts of blog posts, are able to share that information to the older generation and let me know what it is, and how it works. With all that information that needs to be shared from the Citizen’s Committee the blog post will allow the representative to have a space where, they can keep all that information together in an informal matter. The blogs made will also be looked at as credible sources for the community to find information.

Creating the blog post and putting the information out there will be the simple part, guiding the residents to the blogs and making sure they know where to find this information will be the challenging part. Especially in the older generation of the community it will be some what of a challenge making sure they know where to find specific information after they attend a committee meeting.


The representatives who started the Citizen’s Committee are the two voices that the residents look to for important information. They confide in these two people that they are providing them with the most up to date information, and the most reliable. These people give the community comfort especially in the fast changing times of this development, but they can’t always be there in person to spread the information. This where the blog campaign comes into play, this will allow these two representatives to get information out there to the residents a bit quicker than holding a towns meeting whenever there is new information. Each of blog entries will be entered by a representative of the committee which will give people that validation.


This blog campaign is created to attract the residents to a whole new way of receiving information through blog posts. These blog posts will show residents how they can find information quick and on their own time, rather than waiting for a committee meeting to be held. The blog series will be framed around the experience each resident might have gone through already, to demonstrate a relation between blog post and the reader. The main focus of these blog post will be the information that is provided, it will have enough information regarding whatever was discussed in the most recent Citizen’s Committee meeting, so residents with they were unable to attend will know exactly what the most up to date information is. The blog series will share general information regarding the urban renewal plan and what is happening within that and, share questions with answers that residents may have had. However, users will be unable to comment on blog posts just to avoid unnecessary comments being made. Instead the blog posts will encourage residents to attend the next committee meeting if they have any questions or comments.


This blog series will be released after every Citizen’s Committee meeting that is held, to make sure the information is out there for enough to access it. There is will in introduction blog post to give an example what the format of these blogs will look like. Blog posts will run after ever committee meeting for as long as the city is still in the process of the urban renewal plan, to make sure every residents is up to speed with it.

Representatives of the Citizen’s Committee will be the ones writing the blog entries to make sure it stays consistent, with who the residents are receiving the information from. The Committee does want feedback at meeting regarding what should be put into the blog posts.


This ongoing blog series that will go along side each Citizen’s Committee meeting hopes to provide a personal connection with each resident, for as long as the urban renewal act will take. With this blog we hope each resident will be able to stay up to date with information and, understand this new era of receiving information.